Ahhhh a new year, it always feels so good, so fresh, a great excuse to make new plans, set new goals and achieve new dreams.
Last year I decided I was ready to start writing and hopefully publishing my own crochet patterns, and it was a pretty good success, I had my first pattern commissioned the day before my birthday back in August, 'inside crochet' have now published two of my patterns, have two more waiting to go and one more due at the end of this month. This has been a great introduction for me, but this year I have more grand crochet pattern ideas, including a book proposal and a plan to write a pattern a month to sell as a downloadable PDF both on etsy and through ravelry. I have lots of other hopes and dreams and improvements to make, but I always think it's better to try and concentrate on one achievable goal at a time rather than going crazy trying to change everything about yourself just because of date change! Wishing you a a very very happy and prosperous 2012.