Friday, 7 January 2011

hello ::

lilley stitches

welcome to my little (new) creative space.  I have been blogging in various places for a few years now, but I wanted to set up a new place to write about and share my knitting, crochet and sewing adventures. 

You can mostly find me over here.  I've been making beads, buttons and ninjas from polymer clay for about 3 years now and selling them over on etsy, but I have been knitting and crocheting for a whole lot longer than that.  As the ninjas started to become my business and main source of income, my knitting and crochet and stitching became more and more part of my leisure time, with the birth of my little boy 2 years ago in April I was drawn further in to knitting.  Having the ability to produce soft warm garments to cover that little body is a fabulous feeling!

I set up a shop to sell some of these creations almost two years ago now, though I've never really dedicated much time to it.  I feel that with the dawning of this new year it's time to put a bit more in to it all, I don't want to consider it a business as such because I fear I will begin to lose my passion for all that stitching if it started to become a necessity rather than a pleasure, but I would like to spend more of my time, developing my skills, sharing my patterns and if I can make a little pocket money for more yarn in the process then that will be a wonderful bonus!

Welcome! I hope this will be the start of a fabulous creative adventure!


  1. I love this new space. It warm and inviting with the brightness of your photography and your creations.
    I also have an etsy shop that I don't 'work' on as much, so I think we have s few similar goals. You are really good with those needles though - I think it will be a great success with the crochet and knitting additions.
    I'm inspired to add your work to my 'showcase' section for next time ;)

  2. thank you so much for your kind comments, I really appreciate you taking the time to leave them here :)

  3. Looking forward to your creations. Great way to start off a new year.

  4. my new year resolution is to learn to be a (better) knitter and crocheter. You're a great inspiration.

  5. thank you! I'm so excited for this new year, it feels like it's going to be a good one!

  6. thank you :)
    Me too, I feel like there is still so much to learn! I've just begun my first attempt at a sweater for myself, it's scary but really exciting too!

  7. I'm 30 weeks pregnant and am already getting a lot of pleasure from knitting and crocheting things for my baby.
    Look forward to reading more of your posts
    Emma x (fellow Cheltenham girl)

  8. Hello...lovely to hear from a fellow cheltonian!
    It is so lovely to knit for your babe, I knitted/crocheted so much during those last few, impatient, weeks of pregnancy.
    Good luck with the last stretch.


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