Friday, 12 August 2011

birthday ::

Yesterday was my birthday, I was 29, which at the moment seems scarier than 30, but I may change my opinion on that next year. This is it, this is the last year of my 20's, and then I'll be in my 30's, a proper grown up, so I need to make this year super fantastically awesome. Well that's the plan anyway.

My birthday was unexpectedly lovely. Low key, but with great friends, fantastic food and thoughtful gifts.


:: I received some much desired books (here, here, here). Johnny denies it, but I suspect this purchase was inspired by my amazon wish list.



:: Amazing handmade bunting from the super talented Bex of Stuffed Nonsense.

:: Ate here.


:: Treated myself to the time to start knitting this.


:: And consumed much much cake (am still consuming said cake as I type in fact).

All in all a splendid 29th celebration (there will be more less wholesome/sober celebration with girlies on Saturday too!).


  1. Happy Birthday! sounds like a fabulous day to me!

  2. Happy birthday (I began teetering on the edge of my 60th decade last weekend and am trying not to think too much about it!)

    I wonder what you are knitting? Love those stitch markers


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