Friday, 6 April 2012

FO Friday :: Little Flowers ::

So I haven't quite finished the cardigan yet, there was little unknitting to do following a couple of silly mistakes, but I do have a finished object(s) to share today, hooray!

FO Friday :: Little Flowers

Namely a collection of little flowers, made for the lovely Bex of Stuffed Nonsense, who requested them to attach to a lampshade.

These are super fun and easy to make, such a satisfying little project.

FO Friday :: Little Flowers

I shall try and get the pattern written up in the next day or so and ready to download if anyone fancies hooking up a little extra springtime sunshine.

For more FO Fridays check out Tami Amis' blog.

Edited to say the pattern is now available for free download on ravelry here.


  1. Lovely flowers....I often just make some for no reason, just to use up yarn...

  2. I love the different colors. very pretty flowers

  3. Gorgeous colours, they will look great.

  4. Those are adorable. Great colours, and a sweet, simple shape. I can't wait for the pattern.

  5. Ditto! I can't wait for the pattern.

  6. Who can't use some more spring sunshine? They look like the perfect little adornments for so many projects!


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