Thursday, 13 September 2012

boot fairs, trains and vintage knitting needles ::

Last weekend, Bex and I planned to go to Oxford, I was going to give her the grand tour, we were going to go out drinking, do lots of sightseeing and generally have an awesome time, but then life got in the way as it tends to do.  Bex had to have a tooth out (ouch!) and we both had mamouth amounts of work to do and little money to spend, so reluctantly we did the grown up thing and decided to postpone our eagerly anticipated trip to another time.


However we couldn’t see the whole weekend go by without a little bit of fun.  So on Sunday morning we headed up to Cheltenham Racecourse to have a hunt about the car boot fair.

It was a lovely day, perfect car boot weather in fact.  As is usually the case I think Milo came home with the most/best loot, some lego, a steam train book and a WallE lunch bag.  I didn’t find much but I did spot a very lovely fairly old looking case, which when opened revealed a wonderful collection of teeny tiny steel knitting needles and some embroidery floss.  The whole collection is in quite a sorry state, the needles are rusty the case is very battered and falling apart in places, but I love it none the less and for the princely sum of £4, I think it was a steal.


After our bargain hunting we took stroll up the old station and took a short ride on the steam train there up to Winchcombe, where we ate our picnic before heading back again.


The train was great, we even had a lovely little carriage all to ourselves.



It may not have been the weekend Bex and I were planning, but it was lots of fun regardless.

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